Muslim Marriages Recognised

MUSLIM MARRIAGES RECOGNISED There has been a significant development regarding the marital rights of Muslim women in South Africa after a judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court in June 2022. In 2014, The Women’s Legal Centre Trust (WLCT) brought an application in the Western Cape High Court. The legal context out of which this […]
Understanding Confidentiality and Professional Privilege

UNDERSTANDING CONFIDENTIALITY AND LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE In the process of rendering a proficient legal service, the minds and offices of industry practitioners often become crypts, places harboring the secrets and intricacies of clients that otherwise would have been taken to the grave. While legal professionals require a holistic factual matrix in order to comprehensively respond […]
Is a financial Institution Refusing You Access To Credit Because of a Default Judgement

IS A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION REFUSING YOU ACCESS TO CREDIT BECAUSE OF A DEFAULT JUDGEMENT? An adverse civil judgment against a person’s name can greatly affect their ability to obtain credit and is often only noticed when they approach a financial institution to apply for credit. It is important to take legal advice as soon as […]