Register your solar panel with the City of Cape Town

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The City of Cape Town announced at the end of 2018 that the failure to register your solar panel with the City of Cape Town before 28 February 2019 may result in heavy fines being imposed, additional service fees and disconnection of electricity. The registration date has now been extended to 31 May 2019 and […]

The impact of the Competition Amendment Act

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by Caitlin Harvey Competition law in South Africa is an area of law that aims to maintain and promote competition in the South African market. Since 1998, competition law in South Africa has been regulated by way of the Competition Act (“the Act”). It is relevant to many businesses, as companies naturally compete with each […]

Capital gains tax and withholding tax for non-resident sellers

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by Erlise Loots Capital gains tax In South Africa, a so-called capital gains tax (“CGT”) is triggered when any immovable property situated in South Africa is sold. The net capital gain is generally calculated by deducting all deductible capital expenses relating to the property (known as “base costs”) from the selling price of the property. However, […]

Recent developments regarding parental leave in South Africa

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by Bisset Boehmke McBlain The beginning of a new year often brings with it decisions of a life-changing nature. Many couples and individuals will decide that this is the year to start a family. In South African law, major changes to parental leave were introduced to help working parents adjust to the demands of new […]

The effective cause of a sale

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by Leanne Williams The buying and selling of a property can be an intimidating and complex process. The sale process involves specialised skill and knowledge and therefore it is customary to make use of different professionals who can ensure a smooth and successful transaction. These professionals include, but are not limited to, real estate agents […]

Regulation 68 Suspension

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On 14th February we notified you of the impending amendments to Deeds Registries regulations dealing with the procedure for applications for replacement copies of title deeds. These were to have become effective from 25th February. Today the Chief Registrar of Deeds has issued a circular to announce that the Deeds Registries Regulations Board (the Board) […]

Lost Title Deeds

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It is now important for all property owners to confirm the whereabouts of their original title deeds as recent regulations published on behalf of the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform dealing with lost or destroyed title deeds of fixed property will commence on 25 February 2019. These regulations bring certain changes to the […]

New CIPC requirement for the removal of a director by shareholders

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The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) recently issued a notice regarding the requirements for the lodging of an application for the removal of a director of a company by the shareholders. The relevant sections of the Companies Act of 2008 (“the Act”) do not specifically set out the grounds for the removal of a […]

The highest bidder – buying property on auction


Potential buyers should be aware that a property sold on auction is not necessarily a bargain buy. This is because the property on auction isn’t necessarily being sold due to financial distress. Property owners now frequently turn to auction as a means of selling their property as soon as possible and for as a high […]

Choose your guardians wisely


My husband and I have two minor children. I am concerned about who will look after our children in the event of my husband and I passing away at the same time. We have been advised to nominate guardians in our wills. What should I keep in mind when choosing guardians? Choosing guardians for your […]

The Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill: Beware of what you say online


South Africans will soon have to be much more careful about posting messages on WhatsApp and other social media platforms, as the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill (“the Bill”), which is currently under consideration by the National Council of Provinces, attempts to police malicious messaging. Cybercrime is on the rise and the Bill essentially aims to […]

Investing in a Rental Property


Buying a rental property could be an incredible investment opportunity, however, it’s important to make a well-informed decision before investing, as it is not for everyone. Although investing in a rental property provides many benefits, such as a potential extra income, and a way of paying off the property, it poses certain risks as well. […]

What to look out for, before signing a lease agreement


Tenants often don’t read carefully through the terms and conditions contained in their lease agreement and this can cause problems down the road. A properly drafted lease agreement will ensure that both parties’ rights are protected. Both parties must ensure that all the necessary information is included in the lease agreement, along with any additional […]

The pros and cons of renting a property

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One of the biggest dreams that most people have, is to one day own their own home. However, that is easier said than done. Dreams of owning big houses with backyards turned into renting small apartments. The choice between renting a property and buying a property is often a difficult decision to make. Renting a […]

Maintenance orders and variation


Maintenance orders and variation Maintenance is that part of the divorce order which is not a final determination of the rights of the parties. However, as long as a court order exists for maintenance for a certain amount, the person against whom a maintenance order was granted must abide by that order. In cases where […]

What does the process of adoption entail?


The adoption process is regulated in South Africa by the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 (“the Act”). Adoption is one of the ways to help give abandoned minors a permanent or stable family life, which they would otherwise not have had. The Act provides that a child is adopted if the child has been placed in the permanent […]

Landmark judgment regarding Muslim Marriages


by Sophie Robertson The Western Cape High Court on 31 August 2018 handed down its judgment in the case of Women’s Legal Centre Trust v President of South Africa and Others, ordering the South African government to enact legislation which will give legal recognition to Muslim marriages. This is a significant and welcomed development in […]

Making information protection your business

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by Nicozaan Finestone-Jordaan Companies worldwide, from small to international businesses, are realising that information is an important strategic asset.  Businesses are devising new ways of collecting and leveraging information to their and their clients’ benefit. Client information gives businesses access to client behaviour, preferences and needs.However, holding personal information also has a flipside – in […]

Weeding out fact from fiction


by Sophie Robertson Weed, dagga, cannabis and dope have been some words buzzing around the legal and public spheres in the last few months. This flows from the highest court in the country making a landmark ruling, confirming the earlier ruling of the Western Cape High Court. On 18 September 2018 the Constitutional Court ordered […]